First of September, we flew out to Albuquerque, New Mexico and shared our music with the wonderfully gracious people at Heritage Christian fellowship. We never know what to expect on these trips, but our experiences are consistently positive and encouraging. Special thanks to Shaan for helping set everything up. It was great to meet you, to hear your story, to share in the life of your family and your church for a few days. It’s always surprising to remember how beautiful these old songs are, and how much they bring people together. Thank you.
Pocta Sessions
We start post-production on the pocta sessions this week! Paul is driving to Birmingham in two days, and then we begin the long, exciting process of digging through mixes and edits, and exploring where the mixes on these songs need to end up. So far the response on these songs has been incredibly positive. We are very eager to get them out for everyone to hear. Also – we are working with the title “this breaks my heart of stone” for the pocta sessions record. Not settled on that for sure yet, but so far it seems to be a title we are comfortable with. Look for more updates in the coming days. We’ll be drinking a lot of coffee and working late into the night in the coming weeks…
The British
Dan Hames and Tom Slinger are in the states, on vacation, and have been staying with me the past few days, and during their time I’ve been immersing them in red mountain culture, feeding them Alabama food, taking them to spots concerts, staying up late talking, and of course, writing and recording music. so far we’ve written three songs together out of the gadsby, and I’m going to be honest – they’re pretty good. Dan and Tom sat in with us at red mountain last night and shared one of the songs during communion. tonight is their final night in Birmingham, and we’ve got a lot of work to do finishing up some of the songs we’ve been working on, and seeing what else we can come up with. it’s been a great visit, and it’s been wonderful to bring dan and tom into the fold here at red mountain. Be on the lookout for some great new hymn arrangements from dan and tom…
-Brian T. Murphy
I am really excited about the Pocta Sessions, I can't wait for some new hymns.
Pocta sessions...songs by dan and tom...i'm with susannah...can't wait...
ps i just noticed Kings of Convenience under 'influences'. i'd never heard of them before, but it's been great getting familiar with their music over at youtube
mmmmmmm, coffee. Any endeavor that requires lots of coffee is a good, good thing.
It is good to read all these things. I'm really looking forward to this record.
We love Brian T Murphy!
We love Alabama!
We love Dingo!
susannah - thanks. we're really excited too about finishing this one up.
terry - yup. I'll try and post some clips of what we did with dan and tom. and kings of convenience. they are great. glad you found them.
cj - been drinking it more than ever, lately.
benj - we are so close. I can't believe it.
dan - thanks, man. enjoyed the visit.
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