1. website update – we are currently working on a small overhaul for our website. we are re-organizing it to make it easier to access resources like song clips and music sheets / chord charts. also, over the years we have collected a number of recordings that haven’t made it to any of our records, but we still feel like are pretty good songs, so we are going to be posting a section of red mountain “b-sides” for free download off of our website.
2. pocta sessions – last night clint and I got together with ashley spurling via cell phone conferene call (the best way to communicate, ever). we got keys for several songs that we want her to sing, and then began laying down basic tracks for 967 and 1022 out of the gadsby hymnal (shocker, we know, red mountain people working on more songs out of gadsby). 967 is my personal favorite out of this new batch of songs. it is upbeat, very singable, one of the most exciting songs we’ve written in awhile.
I have no idea what our timeline is for anything right now, but hopefully we can plug away and start knocking out some of these pocta songs. I think we should be able to wrap up tracking within a few months. benj, we need to get together again so that you can be on this record which bears your name.
Brian T. Murphy